Landing page – life cover

Your family’s future is in your hands

per month before tax.
By providing us with these details, you authorize us to contact you via SMS, phone, or email to help you with this application or to tell you about other products. You can opt out of being contacted at any time.

Three great risk benefits, one simple policy

Life Cover

Disability Cover

Funeral Cover

How it works

Getting a quick quote

Complete your details

Leave the rest to us

Add the basic details for each employee via Excel file or directly from your payroll.
Adjust the benefits to meet your needs and budget in real time
Enter the extra info (surname, ID, start date) we need for each employee 
Nicely done, your team is covered!

Simply Financial Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 47146).

Hollard Life Assurance Company Limited (Reg No. 1993/001405/06), a Licensed Life Insurer and an authorised Financial Services Provider.

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