
How to claim?
Make sure your loved ones know that you have taken out this policy, and how to contact us if they ever need to claim. We’re in this business to pay benefits to those in need, and we’re standing by to help:
Via email at
Call us on 021 045 151
We need to be informed within 180 days of the insured person’s death, or the event which led to the insured person’s disability claim. We will help you or your beneficiaries through the process when the time comes. You should make sure your loved ones know that you have taken out this policy. Tell them how to contact us if they ever need to claim.
The information provided at the time of application is critical in assessing the risk associated with your policy. The insurer relies on the information provided by the policyholder and/or insured persons to determine whether the insured persons were eligible for cover, the premium that should be charged, and terms of the cover provided.
If any of the information provided is inaccurate, this will impact the validity of the policy and future claims.
In the event of a claim, we will review the information provided during the application process to ensure that it was accurate. If any non-disclosure or misrepresentation is found that would have impacted the initial decision to offer cover, the claim may be declined, or benefits reduced. If, after Hollard pays any claim, Hollard finds that it was based on false or incomplete information, all claim payments must be refunded to them.
If the claim is declined by Hollard, the claimant has 90 days from when they are notified of this to make representation to Hollard so that they may review this decision. If the dispute is not resolved, then the claimant has 3 years from the original letter of rejection to institute legal action against Hollard by serving summons on it, failing which Hollard is no longer liable for the claim.ur beneficiaries or support a cause you care about.
Documentation required in case of a claim
All Claims
• Certified copy of the insured person’s ID
• Proof of insured person’s residence status (for non-SA ID holders only)
• Certified copy of the/each beneficiary’s ID
• Proof of the/each beneficiary’s bank details
Life Cover claim forms
• Completed Life cover claim form
• DHA1663 – notification of death register
• BI1663 – notification of death form
• Completed medical report
• Terminal illness claim form
• Terminal illness medical report form
Funeral Cover claim forms
• Completed Funeral cover claim form
• DHA1663 – notification of death register
• BI1663 – notification of death form
• Certified copy of death certificate
• Proof of relationship for family members covered (Funeral Cover only)
Disability Cover claim forms
Flexi Family Cover and Flexi Domestic Cover
• Completed disability claim form
• Completed medical report form together with copies of any specialist reports and investigations relating to the claim cause
• After expiry of the deferred period, a final medical report from the attending specialist
Flexi Staff Cover
• Completed disability claim form
• Occupation questionnaire
• Completed medical report form together with copies of any specialist reports and investigations relating to the claim cause
Additional requirements
If the insured person dies within the first 2 years of the policy, extra documentation, may be needed such as:
• Motor vehicle accident report
• Police report / statement completed by the police
• Copy of the post-mortem report
• Result of any forensic laboratory investigations
• Inquest findings (if appropriate)
• Full verdict in the case of a murder (if appropriate)
We reserve the right to request additional supporting documents where required.
The insurer
The Insurer is The Hollard Life Assurance Company Ltd (Hollard), registration number 1993/001405/06. Hollard is a licensed life insurer and authorised financial services provider.

Simply Financial Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 47146).

Hollard Life Assurance Company Limited (Reg No. 1993/001405/06), a Licensed Life Insurer and an authorised Financial Services Provider.