How to

Everything you need to help you provide your clients with Simply benefits

How To: Broker Portal

How to use the Broker Portal

How to view your client policies

How to help your clients claim

Product Guides: Flexi-Family

Provide a Flexi-Family policy

Provide a Flexi-Family Policy on the Broker Portal

Replace a policy and save

Replace and save with a Simply policy

Cede a policy to the bank

Cede a policy to the bank

Upsell to your clients

Upsell on the Broker portal

Electronic signature Persal

Electronic signatures on Persal

Product Guides: Flexi-Funeral

Funeral without main life

Provide Flexi-Funeral Cover without the main life assured

Funeral cover for foreigners

Sell funeral cover to foreign nationals legally residing in SA

Product Guides: Flexi-Staff

Staff policy with spreadsheet

Staff cover policy with spreadsheet entry

Staff policy with Payspace

Staff cover policy with Payspace entry

Staff policy with manual entry

Staff cover policy with manual entry

Simply Financial Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 47146).

Hollard Life Assurance Company Limited (Reg No. 1993/001405/06), a Licensed Life Insurer and an authorised Financial Services Provider.

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